FienMessens Posted September 1, 2020 Report Posted September 1, 2020 Hello all I'm trying to get to understand the exported output (xml/rdf) from DLN Capture Context. There are some parts with messy code. <rdfs:label>urn:uuid:af85af98-9c77-4812-8c40-352f9e08e51c</rdfs:label> and <crm:P03_has_range_literal>/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRof Hh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwh MjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjL/wAAR CABLADgDASIAAhEBAxE ... Does anyone have an idea how I can interpret these lines? Thanks in advance! Fien Quote
cdschroer Posted September 1, 2020 Report Posted September 1, 2020 Hi Fien - We have done some work to clean up the code a bit, so hopefully it will be more clear in the next version. The first one is a UUID for a label - I'm not sure of the context here. We do use UUID's throughout the system, and if you have them for certain things, like people and subjects, you can supply the ones you have, or the system will mint one for you. The second one I'm not sure, but it might be embedded binary for something like an image or a document (I mean an image of a setup - not the actual images that are part of your project). We have decided to handle this as separate files - so we will export them from the database and include them in the archive package that we will be producing - rather than having the binary inside the RDF. This was the behavior for the Beta though. Thanks for trying out the tools, and for your feedback! Carla Quote
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