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can't complete install


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I'm sure the developers will respond as soon as they can, but from wider experience I would say that the symptom of an executable file not being found where an installer had placed it is indicative that an anti-virus or similar may have detected the addition of an unknown/un-trusted executable. It might be worth looking in the quarantine area or logs of whatever AV/security system you're running to see if it is detecting the .exe file as a threat ?


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Hi Dave, 

Thank you for your response.  It's quite possible as both machines I've tried to install on are university ones.  The IT peeps here put all kinds of stuff on our computers.  I'll see what I can find.  

Thanks again!

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Dave, was right! The university antivirus software flagged it.  Our IT people have since made an exception for it.  I've been able to download it, but am now having another error pop up once the install is finished, (attached photo), and another when I click on the DLN desktop shortcut that says,  “unable to connect to database server! Please make sure Postgres is running.”  

Anyone have ideas on how to resolve this?   Thank you :)

Computer specs: Dell Alienware with Intel i7, 64 bit, 64RAM, Nvidia GTX 2080 graphics card. 

new error.jpg

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Hi KLW, I can sympathise!

I would be pretty certain that is your University's security system stopping what it considers is an 'unusual' program from running. Given you're operating in an environment which applies a reasonable (and certainly not abnormal or excessive) level of security, I fear that you'll keep encountering these with the current installer, and maybe a brick wall or two which the University's security team may not allow you to poke holes through, for fear of creating a weak spot that would imperil not just your PC but also anything else on the same (University-wide?) network from the out-of-date and un-updateable Java issue created by the current installer.

I should say that it is possible to get the current installer to install DLN, and get it running - but having spent days doing that, I discovered the Java issue and had to delete all traces of DLN and the Java it installed from most machines I had tested on and only kept it on one machine which I have unplugged from all networks.

Before you invest too much more of your time trying to get the current installation working, I'd suggest looking at the other threads relating to DLN v1.0 installation under Windows in this forum section, and maybe discuss them with your University's security team, and you may conclude it would be better to wait until the installer works properly and installs safely, before re-attempting installation.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just uploaded an updated Windows installer to the downloads page.

This should specifically solve the problem of the missing DLLS - which are now included in our installation.  The filename is almost the same as the prior installer - with a "b" added at the end.

The security issue is really annoying and we don't have it on Mac - because Apple has a reasonable developer program, we are part of it, we send the software in and it gets checked - then we can sign it - and it shows up as being from a known publisher with no warnings.

However - on Windows - the system is not so net and simple.  We did purchase a certificate and the software is signed as coming from Cultural Heritage Imaging.  However, we do not have a "reputation" with Microsoft - so it still issues warnings about the software.  It is not clear how to remove the warning short of purchasing a much more expensive type of certificate.  Without that you can "earn" a reputation but the specific rules for that are not disclosed anywhere (it involves having a lot of downloads and not a lot of bugs reported as the primary metric).  We are deciding whether to pay for the 5X more expensive certificate (and we already bought 3 years of the cheaper one to get a better price - and you can't upgrade - you just throw that away) It's pretty frustrating that Microsoft does not offer a more reasonable alternative like Apple does.  As a nonprofit shipping free software - we get free access to Apple's developer program.  Ok - I'll stop 'belly aching' about this - and hopefully the new installer helps most folks get through installation.


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One more note about the not being able to connect to Postgres.  it's possible that you have have a Postgres version still installed from an earlier installation.  If you already have postgres, then you should uncheck the box and not install it again. If you had a copy of postgres from an earlier install, and told this installer to install it again - it can get into this state.  On the Mac - we can check for this and just do the right thing - but apparently, that's not so easy on Windows.

We ran into this with some testing that we did on Windows.
Here's something to try:  the uninstall from the current software.  You should be able to do this from "remove programs". That should get rid of everything including postgres.  Double check this by going to C:\program files\CHI\ and seeing if there are any files there.  There might be a log of the uninstall - but the postgres folder should be gone. You can remove the whole "CHI" folder (only after running remove programs - as it cleans up some registry stuff)  You can also check %LOCALAPPDATA%  and remove files from there.  Now you have a clean environment and you should get a clean install.  
Also - please install into the standard default directory location which is C:\program files\CHI using other locations can sometimes create problems.
Fingers crossed - and sorry for the hassle. 
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