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Color correction for HSHfitter


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Hello all,


While HSHfitter was executing the final stage in RTI Builder, it gave the error message:


"Error: Plugin. Exceptions.PathUndefined: Color correction file not found or you don't have permissions to read it"


Where are these files on a Mac?  How do I specify the path.






Michael -


Glad you solved your first problem with the HShFitter not running at all.  I'm not sure why this is happening, and as far as I know there is no way to specify any path other than to the hshfitter itself.  However, the HSHFitter is included with RTIBuilder and you shouldn't need to specify the path at all. The default path should be correct.  I'll note that this is NOT true for the ptmfitter, which you have to get from HP then tell RTIBuilder where it lives.  So, did you actually move the HSHFitter file somewhere, or just use it as packaged?  I'll also note that while RTiBuilder is written in Java,  both the fitters are written in C++ and RTiBuilder just calls them for you. I am not as familiar with the inner workings of the fitters.




Hello Carla,


Thanks for your reply.  I guess Builder just wasn't seeing the HSHfitter for some reason, so I copied it to my documents folder.  One problem is that on  Mac, Builder doesn't seem to allow specifying paths into the Applications themselves, or do you know a way to do this?


So you don't have any hints for the color correction problem?





While you can't browse to a file that is inside an appplication's contents, you can specify a path.  The default path within RTIBuilder is:

../RTIbuilder-v2.0.2.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Fitters/HSHfitter/hshfitter  and normally that would be in the Applications folder /Applications/RTIbuilder-v2.0.2.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Fitters/HSHfitter/hshfitter


I will also note that you have to have installed the RTIBuilder software in your applications folder.  (by dragging the RTIBuilder.app file there) If you are running within the .dmg (disk image) that can create path problems.


My recommendation is to use the default path name and double check these other issues.




Hello Carla,


Thanks for that.  I am doing as you suggest.  I also noticed that the path on my computer to the HSHfitter included "RTI Builder" (note the space) at the first level.  I have gotten rid of that, and hope it was the issue.






Hello Carla,


Decided to re-load RTIbuilder and put fitters etc. in their proper places.  It now works!  Have produced a very satisfactory PTM of Scottish Neolithic flints.  I will post some screenshots soon.  Thanks for all your help.  Again :-)





Just to close the loop - is the HSHFitter now working?  You only mention PTMs above.  I want to know if reinstalling the system and using the default hshfitter path solved your problem.




Hello Carla,


Yes thanks, reinstalling the system worked fine, and the default path worked fine as well.  And regarding the unavailable 'color correction file': that file is only asked for if you tick the "advanced options" box in the final stage of the fitting (just before "execute").  Once I un-ticked that it worked fine.  I have done several rti captures, using the HSH fitter, of shiny Palaeolithic flint since then which I am very pleased with.


Thanks again



  • 4 years later...

Hi all,

I am having this same issue with the "Error: Plugin. Exceptions.PathUndefined: Color correction file not found or you don't have permissions to read it" message. I tried the workaround that Michael mentioned above, but when I untick the Advanced Options box I get the "Unknown Error Detected!" message. I haven't modified the HSHFitter location path "/Applications/RTIbuilder-v2.0.2.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Fitters/HSHfitter/hshfitter" and I am running the Builder from my applications folder. 

Thanks for your help!


P.S. I'm also interested in getting the PTM filter if it is available.


  • 2 weeks later...

The PTMFitter is available - and I posted it in the FAQ forum pinned to the top, as well as in the thread where it came up.  We have created a dropbox with the files:


For HSHFitter - try using it as installed - and staying away from the advanced options.  In other words Do NOT tick the box for advanced options.



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