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"Verify your HSH fitter path!" Mac Error


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I've tried building a project a couple of times now, getting completely to the final point where all I have left to do is push execute. I have been using the HSH format, and every time I try to complete my project, I get an error message, "Verify your HSH fitter path!". I have no spaces, that I can see, in any of the folders or image names. My images were once .JPG but I changed them all to .jpg and started the project anew afterwards.

I am using this path




and still nothing is executing. 


The black shiny ball I'm currently using is not great and so my highlights are pretty terrible, but it is a practice run until I get the right shiny ball. Would a lack of identifying a highlight in each photo cause this error?


I will attach the .xml file in hopes that someone can help me. Thanks!


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This same issue came up before and was discussed here: http://forums.culturalheritageimaging.org/index.php?/topic/312-rti-builder-asking-me-to-specify-your-hsh-fitter-path/?hl=%2Bhshfitter+%2Bpath&do=findComment&comment=853


In that case the problem turned out to be spaces in the pathnames.  I checked your xml file, and I'm not seeing that problem.


I will note that having a crappy sphere that is scratched up or not round will affect the accuracy of the light positions that are calculated, and therefore potentially the accuracy of the computed normal data. However, it should still work and produce a result.  If the software can't detect the highlights, you would see that earlier in the process.


So, I admit to being a little stumped by this.  I can think of 2 things to try that might help figure this out.  First, can you build a PTM with the same data?  Note that you do not need to start over from scratch.  Just reload the existing project file, AFTER you choose the ptm path and then it will take you to the last screen and you can try building that.


The other thing to try would be to see if you can build the example data we provide for trying the RTIBuilder.  It is here:




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  • 4 years later...

I realize this topic is relatively old, but I am running into the same issue however the RTI Builder was successfully moved to my Applications. I also tried running the software with the example files and the HSH fitter still would not verify. I am a student and do not have the authority to download the PTM Fitter onto the Mac, neither does my advisor. I'm in a real bind here and would love any suggestions. 

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