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PTMFitter software download link


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We recently discovered that the PTM software is no longer available from the HPLabs website.  We have placed both the Mac and Windows versions of the PTMFitter in a dropbox along with the license file from HP.  You can get the software from here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jfsy0lhxu6zv4i4/AADJpq6E_GJmNw_s5C8r94CVa?dl=0

Also - many papers on PTM and RTI are by Tom Malzbender - and you can find them on his personal website:


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  • 1 month later...

In the dropbox are two folders one for Mac and one for Windows.  In the Mac folder is a copy of the PTMfitter I have on my mac and run regularly.  It doesn't seem to have an extension.  I have it in my applications folder.  I don't have a disk image or installer for it.  I think it should work without an extension.  I just tried downloading it and dropbox adds an .html extension to it.  When I remove that it still thinks it's an html file when I run it from the terminal.

So, I've uploaded a new copy as a zip file.  Unzip it - and hopefully that will work.  I don't know what the dropbox downloader is doing to the file - but it doesn't seem to like a file with no extension.

Note that it's a command line tool, and not designed to work by double clicking on it. You could test it by running it from a terminal window if you are comfortable with that.  Or just browsing to wherever you unzipped it from RTIBuilder in the last screen (where you execute the RTI)


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In some reason I am not able to unzip this file on my Mac. Got a message:

End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.

Has someone else experienced that?

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I rebuilt the zip file using a different tool.  I tested it - and it seems to be working fine.  The original version tried to put it back in my applications folder when I unzipped it.  So, hopefully this will fix it - as it seems to work correctly.



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  • 3 months later...


I recently got a new computer (mac) and can't seem to get the new PTMfitter to work even using the newest zip file. When I go in and find the PTMfitter path for the first time and then press execute, it tells me to "verify my fitter path" every time. Can't seem to figure it out. Let me know if you have any troubleshooting ideas.

Thank you so much!

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  • 4 weeks later...


I wanted to comment that PTMfitter is a 32-bit application and will not work on macOS 10.15 which will be released in the next few days. RTIBuilder (version 2) and RTIViewer may not work either. I checked in the Go64 app (https://www.stclairsoft.com/Go64/index.html) and they also appear as non-compatible apps.



Captura de pantalla 2019-10-06 a las 14.05.14.png

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Thank you for letting us know about this.  We can contact various folks to see what the simplest fix is for this issue.  For the PTMFitter - that is HP software, and not open source.  We do not have the source code for it - but I know some researchers who have it. 


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On 10/8/2019 at 1:13 AM, cdschroer said:

Thank you for letting us know about this.  We can contact various folks to see what the simplest fix is for this issue.  For the PTMFitter - that is HP software, and not open source.  We do not have the source code for it - but I know some researchers who have it. 


Thank you so much for the answer. At the moment the software works only until macOS version Mojave 10.14.6. I'll wait for new information about 64-bit apps and also about HP's PTMFitter.


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There are a lot of 32bit apps stil in use out there.  Here's a quote from an article in Time magazine this week about how to check to see what 32bit apps you have on your system:


"... if you’re dependent on a particular 32-bit app, it won’t work in macOS Catalina, as many Twitter users discovered after upgrading. Meanwhile, some popular apps, like Adobe Photoshop, appear to be suffering from temporary compatibility issues with Catalina, so it’s best to hold off on upgrading until a software patch resolves those problems.

Want to see which of your apps are still 32-bit? On your Mac, hit the Apple menu, select About This Mac, and click System Report. In System Report, scroll down to Legacy Software, and take a look at all your 32-bit apps."

Here's the full article: https://time.com/5696302/macos-catalina-upgrade/

I know this doesn't resolve the problem if RTI software no longer running - but I did want to point out that folks might want to be cautious about upgrading until they see the full impact - not just RTI software.


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  • 1 month later...
On 10/14/2019 at 2:35 AM, cdschroer said:

There are a lot of 32bit apps stil in use out there.  Here's a quote from an article in Time magazine this week about how to check to see what 32bit apps you have on your system:


"... if you’re dependent on a particular 32-bit app, it won’t work in macOS Catalina, as many Twitter users discovered after upgrading. Meanwhile, some popular apps, like Adobe Photoshop, appear to be suffering from temporary compatibility issues with Catalina, so it’s best to hold off on upgrading until a software patch resolves those problems.

Want to see which of your apps are still 32-bit? On your Mac, hit the Apple menu, select About This Mac, and click System Report. In System Report, scroll down to Legacy Software, and take a look at all your 32-bit apps."

Here's the full article: https://time.com/5696302/macos-catalina-upgrade/

I know this doesn't resolve the problem if RTI software no longer running - but I did want to point out that folks might want to be cautious about upgrading until they see the full impact - not just RTI software.


That's right! In my case I have been cautious. Precisely because of that, I have verified that RTI will not work with the new version of Mac operating system and besides I have not updated my PC. That's why I wrote in this forum before the release of the OS to inform other users and for the RTI development team to work on a 32-bit to 64-bit software change. Thank you very much for the Time Magazine article. 



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I understand that PTMFitter is 32 bit, and therefore will not run in Catalina until we can create a 64bit version.  We have had some discussions about that with various folks, because (as noted above) the PTMFitter is not open source code, and we at CHI do not have the code.  We think we may have a solution - but I don't want to say for sure until we are sure.  I just want to let you know that we have contacted folks who may be able to solve it.


However, I'm not sure why RTIBuilder - which is a Java Application would not run, nor why HSHFitter wouldn't run.  I just used the Go64 app and it says that the HSHFitter is also 32 bit.  We do have the code for that one, so it should be easier to fix.  I didn't get any warnings about RTIViewer.  I have an older Mac and not running the latest OS.  If anyone has tried ay of the tools on Catalina - please post what you have found about RTiViewer and RTiBuilder - other than the fitters, which we know are a problem.



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  • 2 months later...


with Catalina macOS version 10.15.3
the RTIbuilder app works halfway with Highlight Bases (PTMfitter). I explain the process. 
- first step: detected spheres - run.
- second step: set new center - run.
- third step: Highlight detection - run.
- in the final step, after locating the PTMfitter in the computer, the next error appears:

"error=86, Bad CPU type in executable"

This is an error as we already knew, the problem with convert here is that macOS Catalina dropped support for 32-bit executables. Attached is a picture of the error. Captura.thumb.png.eabfb9c9f95d303db50973dfaff04447.png

The hshfitter does not work with the application either. This is the same error as with the PTMfitter. The difference is that in the last step, in this case (hshfitter) it processes all the images and then the error appears.

"error=86, Bad CPU type in executable".



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  • 2 years later...
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  • 2 months later...

For anyone struggling with Windows (the 32/64 bit issue) i managed to solve this by doing the following:


1. Open Windows Control Panel.

2. Select Programs and Features.

3. Click Turn Windows features on or off in the left panel.

4. In the new popup, find and check Internet Information Services.

5. Finally, click OK to save the change and wait for Windows to complete the request changes.

6. Search and open the Internet Information Services.

7. In the pop-up window, unfold the DESKTOP option in the left menu.

8. Then, click on the Application Pools sub-option.

9. Right-click on the Default Application Tool option and choose Advanced Settings in the right area.

10. In the Advanced Settings window, under the General section, click on the dropdown behind Enable 32-Bit Applications option and select True.

11. Click OK to save the setting.


with thanks to Helen

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