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Unsuccessful download for RTIBuilder Win32


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RTIBuilder Version 2.0.2 for Win32 did not download successfully on my computer, though I had no problem with the RTIViewer Version 1.1 for 64-bit Windows OS. When I contacted Cultural Heritage Imaging customer services said Win32 version should be operable on a 64-bit OS, and that I should direct future questions here.


I have a Lenovo 64-bit OS running Window 7. When I downloaded the software, it went through the motions of intalling very quickly. The icons and folders appeared on my computer, but the software doesn't open. I uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times, but it is always the same.

Any suggestions? Thanks!




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Thanks Leszek, that's exactly what I was going to ask.


I'll also clarify that Cultural Heritage Imaging doesn't have a "customer service" department.  We are a small independent nonprofit, and we set up these forums so that the community could help each other out. This is especially important given that the software is open source.  We do work to keep the forums free from spam and other nonsense, and we answer a lot of questions as well.  But really, it's purpose is to help the community help itself.  It does cost us some money to run the forums, but we try to keep costs down, and we really appreciate everyone who jumps in with their experience and advice.


Thanks to everyone who participates here!



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  • 3 years later...
On 2/8/2021 at 8:14 AM, Ashleigh said:


On Friday I was trying to download the Windows version of the processing software, and it triggered my pcs antivirus software claiming there was a virus threat. Has anyone else had this problem?



Yes I have had this today on my new laptop

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/8/2021 at 2:14 AM, Ashleigh said:


On Friday I was trying to download the Windows version of the processing software, and it triggered my pcs antivirus software claiming there was a virus threat. Has anyone else had this problem?


I had this problem too. Anyone know what to do about it?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I have just encountered this problem, too. RTI builder has never been easy to load but things got corrupted recently and i tried to download the current version. Probably got the same response as you: Windows Defender kicks in and actually wipes the .exe file from the Downloads folder. I Have been in contact with AVG which is the top-level internet defence (it controls Windows Defender) and switched them both off, but no joy - same reaction. Please somebody smart come up with an answer!


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Glory Hallelujah! Downloaded rtibuilder. Windows dialog in the download display top right of the screen said 'suspicious program'. I said 'trust this site'. Then disabled Malwarebytes, then made backup of file just for a hard copy on a thumb drive; then 'Run'. It worked - seems Malwarebytes was the blocker in my case. Hope this helps someone else

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  • 11 months later...

Hi I'm currently trying to download the RIT builder but get virus detected warning from Windows Defender and it won't download the file.
Vary wary of such warning having been burned in the past.
Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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  • 1 month later...

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