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RelightLab guideline

Laura Fracasetti

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I'm using RelightLab in order to analyse surfaces of archaeological objects but I find some problems.

Is there a Guideline Manual, as the one available for RTIBuilder, or a more detailed tutorial video? I would like to understand how can I scale a model because I see the function "set scale" next to "add spheres", or how can I use the different type of exporting formats and how to generate tiled images and download OpenLIME to see them.

Thank you so much.


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There is not yet a manual, as the software is still under development.

There is a short video that explains the basic functionality. You can see it here: 


Not all functionality is implemented - for example Set Scale is not implemented.

There is some information about  the OpenLime viewer with RTI on this page: https://vcg.isti.cnr.it/relight/

Post your questions here and we will try to answer them.



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  • 5 months later...


I've got an issue with opening an existing project in relight software! It doesn't allow me to load jpeg-exports from old rti-s. Can you advise me how I could proceed? 




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  • 1 month later...

Sorry - I just saw this.  I don't seem to be getting the notifications I used to get from the forums

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but here are a couple of notes.

You can convert an existing .rt or .ptm file to the new .relight format.  You do not need the original image files to do this.

If you want to rebuild from old RTI data, then you would need to start a new Relight project.  Relight does not recognize the ole RTIBuilder log files.  But the process is a lot faster and more streamlined - so it doesn't take long. You would start a new project, then load the Jpeg-Exports folder.  set up the spheres, then detect the highlights.  Then export the RTIs.

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I don't know what I am doing incorrectly, but I can't seem to open the RelightLab Windows application. I have downloaded all the windows portion, but I don't know where to go from there. The RTIviewer works and I can open and use this application, but obviously this is useless without the Relight application. Do I need to download a seperate application to run the Relight software?


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5 hours ago, KevinRosey said:

I don't know what I am doing incorrectly, but I can't seem to open the RelightLab Windows application. I have downloaded all the windows portion, but I don't know where to go from there. The RTIviewer works and I can open and use this application, but obviously this is useless without the Relight application. Do I need to download a seperate application to run the Relight software?


I found this and finally figured it out. 

Install · cnr-isti-vclab/relight Wiki · GitHub

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