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RTI, photogrammetry, and multispectral imaging of murals and graffiti in catacombs


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Here's an interesting paper about the application of multiple techniques for the study of murals and graffiti:



Although it's not mentioned in the paper, one of the authors (A. Cosentino) describes an Arduino distance meter to check the position of the speedlight while capturing RTIs of the murals:



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This is interesting!  


It is unfortunate that Antonino didn't reference the work of others whose RTI work he has built on in this publication. This includes Tom Malzbender, Cultural Heritage Imaging, Todd Hanneken for multi-spectral and RTI, and many other relevant papers in this space.  Additionally neither RTIBuilder nor RTIViewer are mentioned in the paper. 


I think it helps the whole community when we properly reference the work that came before, and the software tools used, especially the open source ones, so others can find them, and also can assess our work in a broader context.



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I agree, and I'm not sure why the papers you mentioned aren't cited.  He cites several papers by the CHI team and Malzbender et al., as well as the CHI website, in another interesting paper on macro techniques for RTI, so I must assume it's an oversight: 



The section on experimental methods in the first paper is very brief (as is his style) and refers to methods described elsewhere, including the macro paper linked to above, where I found citations for your team's work and others'.  Still, the citations would be easier to find if they were included in the first paper.  Fortunately, many of the cited works aren't paywalled, but everything on the web is temporary.  I keep running into broken links following these citations.

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