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RTI Builder not working in Windows 11


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RTIBuilder is very old software and will not run on the latest Java versions.  It is not simple to update it.


However - we have made a collaboration with the Visual Computing Lab in Pisa for their software called RelightLab.  This will replace RTiBuilder.  It is available now as open source, and runs on Mac, Windows and Linux.  Source code is also available.


Here's the Github site with the releases: https://github.com/cnr-isti-vclab/relight/releases/tag/ReLight-1.3.0

Here's a video describing how to use it:

Note that this is in active development right now, and the current version works - but there are still some features that are not yet available.



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  • 3 months later...

Muy buenas, estoy usando ReLight1.3.0-windows para el proyecto de final de carrera y estoy teniendo problemas a la hora de exportar los archivos. Cuando quiero exportar a Relight o RTI...el programa se cierra. Hay algún tutorial de instalación que me pueda resolver este problema? Veo que el programa no tiene mucho peso y me estoy desesperando...

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