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The most common reason for the "unknown error detected" popup is that you have spaces in your filenames, or anywhere in your path name to where the jpegs are kept.  Look for that first.  If this doesn't fix it, the xml log file could help to resolve things.  Please also post whether you are on Mac or Windows and what OS level.


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Hi John, Thanks for sharing the log file.

I too had wondered about spaces in the image file name/path, but that doesn't look to be the case, with a typical image being located at C:\Users\wcj83\Desktop\RTIProject\jpeg-exports\_DSC3411.jpg

Looking at the tail of the log, it does though reveal that the RTI builder is getting 'unknown' errors when it tries to invoke the PTM Fitter. It alternates between looking (and apparently not finding it) in the default/normal location of  C:\RTIbuilder_v2_0_2\Plugins\PTMfitter\PTMfitter\PTMfitter.exe  and  in a location which I guess you've specified   E:\Dropbox Windows_4\PTMfitter.exe

So, I guess either it isn't in the latter location, or the RTI Builder can't invoke it because there is a space in the name of the folder where you've saved the Fitter.

1)   Confirm that it is indeed in the folder on E: and, if you can, just rename that folder where you have saved the PTM Fitter to remove the space in the file name between 'Dropbox' and 'Windows_4'  (and tell RTI Builder where it now is).
2)   If you can't rename that folder, just create another one with no spaces in, and try that;
3)   If that doesn't fix it, try copying the fitter to the Plugins (sub)folder where the RTI Builder ought to find it (exact path as above).

Let us know how you get on - I can assure you it does work, and is worth it!


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Hi John, thanks for sharing the new XML file.

Looking at  test03.xml  it looks like RTI Builder has found the PTM fitter OK now, so that's a step forward.

Re this below, sorry can't see any attachments etc.

2 hours ago, johnking said:

dropbox file >PTM software license.txt and PTMfitter.exe


A couple more things to try, which might shed light on where the problem lies:

4)   Can you make a new project and process it using the HSH rather than PTM fitter?

5)   CHI offer a couple of sets of sample images on their web site which are known to work - can you download  fish_fossil-data-set_2000.zip from    https://culturalheritageimaging.org/What_We_Offer/Downloads/Process/index.html and try that with both HSH and PTM on your workstation?


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I folks - 

We are putting some effort into the RelightLab tool from the Visual Computing Lab in Pisa.  It will be replacing RTiBuilder.  There is a new 1.2.5 version out which supports building both HSH based RTi files and RGB and LRGB PTMs.  It supports a new relight file format specifically designed for web distribution - and you can convert existing .rti and /ptm files into that format.  We're going to be developing instructional materials and videos.  The software is getting more robust - and I recommend you give it a try.

It runs on Windows and macOS Catalina and later

Here's some general info: http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/relight/

Here's the release page: https://github.com/cnr-isti-vclab/relight/releases

Earlier versions did not have installers and other issues.  It still lacks good documentation - but it works well if you follow the path described in the info screen.



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