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Please support Cultural Heritage Imaging, so we can keep services like these forums going


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Hi folks!


At Cultural Heritage Imaging we always enter the end of the year humbled by the great RTI community and by the interest folks have in helping each other.  We are also thrilled to see the community growing!


Today I am writing to ask you to support Cultural Heritage Imaging with a donation.  It takes time and effort and money to keep free services, like this forum operating.  We share freely all of our knowledge and experience with the hope that it enables the community to achieve high quality, scientific, imaging results.


We know you have many requests for your charitable dollars, and that there are many worthy charities out there.  We ask that you consider supporting the work of our organization which makes advanced imaging methodology and software widely and inexpensively available to Cultural Heritage professionals (and others)


We know that the people using RTI and getting value from these Forums come from all over the world, and many can't afford to help us financially.  For those of you who can, please take a moment to donate in any amount!  It all adds up, and it all helps.


Thank you for your consideration!


Carla and the CHI team


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