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Error Dump


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Hi there,


I'm running the RTI Builder software for the first time, using the provided "fish fossil" sample jpgs from the site. I've gone through the whole process, but once it finishes cropping all my images I get an error message:


Error while trying to execute HSHFitter

Error dump: Cannot run program "C:\Users\Heather\Documents\RTI\RTI_software\EXAMPLES\testProject_fish_fossil-data-set_2000\testProject_Fish_fossil.xml" :CreateProcess error=193,%1 is not a valid Win32 application


There are no spaces anywhere. Can anyone advise me?


Thank you!


Heather -


I'm not sure what you are seeing but here are a couple of questions.


1. Can you make a PTM?  You will have to download the ptmfitter from th HP wesite as stated onthe download page and in the docs)


2.  What OS are you on?  I'm guessing Windows from the path provided.  Which version? (i.e. Windows 7 pro, windows 8, etc.)




Hi Carla,


The only thing I'm seeing are two error messages I listed, which pop up once the software gets through cropping all of my images. I'll try making the PTM though.....Yes Window! I'm running Windows 8.




Heather -


It may be a Windows 8 issue for the HSHfitter.  I am pretty sure the ptmfitter works in that environment.  We don't have any computers with Windows 8 to test it ourselves.  We mostly use Macs and also have acess to Windows 7 pro.


Let us know if you can make PTMs.  I'll post more about hshfitter and Windows 8 as I find out more.



  • 4 years later...

Katie - It looks like you gave RTIBuilder the path to the ptmviewer instead of the ptmfitter.  You need to change it to the ptmfitter - which you also download form HPLabs.  It may have been in the same package you already downloaded.  In that case, just open your existing RTIBuilder file for your project (instructions towards the end of the User Guide - for "open existing project) and when you get the final screen where you can "execute" building your RTI or PTM, change the path to the ptmfitter there.''



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