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File too big to view on my PC

David Howell

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Dear All,


new to this so apologies if this has already been answered or if it's a silly question. I'm in Oxford and lucky enough to have some rti files from the 'dome' at the University. However the files are 209 mb and won't load on my PC. Is there another program by which I can reduce the file size? I don't want to do the imaging again.

Also I notice that the National Archives in London have 'live' rti images on their web pages. Is anyone else doing this please?




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Hi David,


You do not need to re-image the object.  It is pretty easy within RTIBuilder to make a smaller RTI by "resizing."   This will make lower resolution jpegs that are then built into a ptm or RTI.  So, if you have the jpegs that were used to build it the first time, and the xml log file for the capture set, you can load this into RTIBuilder and make whatever size RTIs you want.  This process is described in the Guide to Highlight Image processing, on page 23. The description of the options on the page where you generate the PTM or RTI file are on pages 20-22.  You can easily make a bunch of different sizes and see what works best for your RTIViewer environment.



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David -


This issue with the big red rectangle is being discussed in another topic: http://forums.culturalheritageimaging.org/index.php?/topic/270-the-big-red-rectangle/



It's an issue with the version of openGL that your Graphics processor supports.  RTIViewer needs 2.1 or later (that spec was completed in 2003) but there are issues with some processors not keeping up with the specs.  Read more in the above thread.

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