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Hi, I have tried to learn how to use RTI softwares using the fossil fish dataset from your website. I have a problem when i try to create RTI file using PMTfitter and HSHfitter, with the first the program show a message " Unknown Error detected" meanwhile with HSHfitter show: "Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x5b 0x31" and suddently "Unknown Error detected".

I attach the messagge error with the images.

I think that the problem isn't my pc because is a "beefy" machine (16 GB Ram, Intel i7 7th gen, Nvidia GEFORCE GTX. I use this pc also for 3D with Metashape).


I read the XML file and at the end I have find this in PMTfitter:

        <xc:event COMPID="47527ec6-962e-4002-869f-c2301aa5643e" DATEF="" DATES="" LEVEL="Information" USER="">PTMfitter Path found : D:\Program Files\RTIbuilder_v2_0_2\PTMfitter.exe</xc:event>
        <xc:event COMPID="f678e22e-1a9f-475b-8aaf-88e7a00f3f64" DATEF="" DATES="" LEVEL="WARNING" USER="">Unable to automatically locate the Crop folder definition!</xc:event>


And in  HSHfitter:

        <xc:event COMPID="a508e5f2-4c4c-4fa4-b6ff-28b6f26648b5" DATEF="" DATES="" LEVEL="Information" USER="">In the sphere with the id a44db462-a65f-48c8-9b8b-14550d42453d the value was changed by the user to x: 168.0 y: 210.0 r: 85.0</xc:event>
    <xc:event COMPID="9f02a039-29ab-4e93-9c4b-f376c8c1da48" DATEF="" DATES="" LEVEL="Information" USER="">HSHfitter Path found : D:\Program Files\RTIbuilder_v2_0_2\Fitters\HSHfitter\hshfitter.exe</xc:event>
        <xc:event COMPID="84e28278-8855-4c13-8f61-7bf7f1a0a972" DATEF="" DATES="" LEVEL="WARNING" USER="">Unable to automatically locate the Crop folder definition!</xc:event>


How can I fix this problem? 

Best regards.


Error 1.jpg

Error 2.jpg


The 'Fish fossil' definitely works OK, I've just re-run it to test.
There is a known restriction that data files cannot contain spaces anywhere in the file name(s) or path.
Two questions/suggestions:
1) What - exactly - is the path to the folder where you have saved the Fish_1000 project? Are there any spaces? - if so, rename to get rid of spaces and try again.
2) If there are no spaces anywhere in the data file path, your RTI builder is installed in a Windows protected area; mine is installed away from the protected Programs folder, if you move your Builder/fitter to somewhere like my working one is and try again?

        <xc:event COMPID="b03f18de-4146-4bd2-bc3e-5f31ccc39031" DATEF="" DATES="" LEVEL="Information" USER="">PTMfitter Path found : C:\RTIbuilder_v2_0_2\PTMfitter.exe</xc:event>


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