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Unknown file type: .JPG


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I am a brand-newbie to RTI after reading about it and wanted to try it out as an addition resource to post-excavation analysis.

Everything goes well until the final step where, after hitting execute and waiting for the programme to do its thing, I get an 'Unknown Error Detected'.  In the PTMfitter Output Information, all it says is 'Unknown file type: .JPG'.  I have downloaded a PTMFitter from http://bit.ly/338XTyF which is what is giving me the 'Unknown file type: .JPG' code and downloaded another form Custom Imaging but neither are working.

I am running Windows 10 Pro on a 64 bit system, i7-8700k @3.70GHz, 3696 Mhz, 6 coreswith 40GB of RAM and well over a terabyte of free HD space. 

I have attached the .xml file. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks, 



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Hi Simon,
Just a quick thought/suggestion.
I have always used images with '.jpg' i.e. lower case. Suggest you maybe try a new project, and to test if that is the problem, you only need a handful of the images. Would suggest start a new project to do this and copy say half-a-dozen images and rename their suffix - if it all works OK then you can try with the full set (I personally tend to use IrfanView even just for renaming like this).
cheers/Dave (from the 'other' Mona!)

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Hello Dave, 

Thanks for the tip.  I tried renaming the images with the lowercase suffix as you suggested and this did not work either.  Interestingly, I downloaded the fish_fossil-data-set_2000 and went through the motions and everything worked perfectly.  This leads me to think that the issue is with my images.  I have had a look at the properties of both one of my photos and one of the fish fossil and they seem identical apart from the size of the image; the fish fossil photos are 1.56MB while mine are closer to 10MB per image, could this be the issue?  I just assumed that the fish fossil photos have been reduced for uploading but the originals will be higher MBs?



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After trying a couple of time and having no luck, I uninstalled the RTI Builder and then reinstalled it.  I also downloaded the program Dave Martin suggested (IrfanView) and ran the photos from my test file through that to change the .JPG to .jpg and then ran everything through the RTI Builder again and this time everything worked fine.  I am not sure what has changed from last times I tried it but there was possibly a glitch in the download or (more likely) something I did or omitted to do.

3dguy - Thank you for the heads up on the megapixel limit and the solution of removing the metadata.  The photos I used were the same (approximately 10MB) and this time they went through okay.  I am way below the 36MP you had with your D800 and, fingers crossed, this gives me an idea of image size to stay around.

I am going to try taking another set of photos and running them through the RTI Builder within the next week or so and see if the issue comes up again.

Thank you Dave and 3dguy for your suggestions, hopefully, this will be the end of the problems!



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