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unexpected tag '%s'

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Hi Michael, 


Just trying the builder (latest version) out on my mac and keep getting an 'unexpected tag '%s' in the log  (before that it says reading chunk '%s'.

My metashape chunk i exported the cameras from is called 'test'.


I'm also only getting a black model without textures or vertex colours in the viewer.



I'll try it out a windows machine too and see if I have more luck.


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The "unexpected tag '%s'" is "normal" when loading a Metashape file -- it's just a indicator that there's something in the project file that Kintsugi 3D doesn't currently recognize (usually unrelated to the data Kintsugi actually needs).

However, if you're getting a black model, it is possible there's something in your Metashape project that isn't being recognized that we need to add support for as usage expands to more institutions with different workflows.  If you're willing and able to share your data in a direct email (to tetzlaffm@uwstout.edu) that would be the easiest way to troubleshoot this.  If you're able to find the log files on MacOS (they should be in ~/Library/Application Support/Kintsugi 3D Builder), or even just screenshot the log window within Kintsugi 3D Builder, that would also help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply, sorry I've not had chance to come back to this.

We've managed to get it up and working fine on our windows machines, so testing it out on the mac has become a lower priority at the moment, but I'll let you know when I come back to it.

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