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Improper call to JPEG library in state 200


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Hi David -


any time you get an error when you get to the "execute" phase of RTI processing, the first thing to check is whether there are spaces any where in your filenames or folder names. If there are, then you need to move or rename the folder (and/or files) and then you can "open an existing project" to reprocess the data, and use the light positions you already calculated.


If that doesn't do the trick - then please write back and note which platform (mac or windows) and OS level.


I'll also note that on Windows, you cannot work on the desktop when processing files, because the desktop is in a folder called "documents and settings" (note the spaces)


There is another post on these kinds of errors due to file naming here:




  • 6 months later...



I've read this post and the other you referenced but am having the same problem Dave discribed.  I've check the path several times and don't see a space in the file name.  So I did check the .xlm file and saw:


Multiple colons are not allowed in a
name. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/RTI/RTI 1/Foam3.xml'. Line 327,
Position ...


Would this be related?







I still don't understand the xml file issue but I did solve my problem.  I went back and remade the jpegs and all seems to work fine.



  • 4 weeks later...



Glad your problem was fixed.  Sorry for my delay in responding - I didn't see this post until just now.  If I can't find spaces in filenames, the next thing that I do is look at the xml log file for clues.  Not sure why you had an error, it looks like something wasn't saved into the light position file properly.



  • 4 years later...

I am running into this problem and have tried everything that everyone has mentioned. I am running windows 10 64-bit with 16gb of ram. No spaces anywhere in files. 


Hmm - I don't know what is going on.  Can you email your .xml file to info at c-h-i.org?  I'll take a look and see if anything looks obvious.  I note that you previously posted about having an issue executing, and the screen shot showed you were using advanced options for the HSHFitter.  You should make sure to quit and restart RTiBuilder after that error (which may not be related)  You should be able to open an existing project, and not have to do the highlight and sphere detection again. That's described in the manual if you don't know how to do it.  Have you been able to successfully build a ptm?  Is this happening when you do hsh?  Please let me know what you have tried, and which fitter you are using.



  • 2 years later...


Thanks for posting the file, it is a great help. I'm not an expert but from a quick look at the project file, it looks like there is a space in one of the folder names between 'Research' and 'Project'

C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\UNI\Research Project\RTI\ScaniculaDark001

Try renaming without the space and let us know how you get on.



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